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Sparkwell Parish Hall is holding a very special Christmas ……. on Sunday 17th December. Watch this space for more details…
Stall Booking Form
If you are interested in hiring a stall at our Christmas …., please complete the form below.
Food Safety Guidance for Farmers’ Market Traders in Devon
Sparkwell Parish Hall, Christmas Fair, Stall Holder Terms of Agreement 2018 v1.0
1. Fresh or processed meat must have come from animals reared by the producer and processed by the producer; no GM feed may be used in the production.
2. Fresh or processed poultry must have come from birds or gamebirds reared by the producer, no GM feed may be used in production and notice of any anti biotic used must be clearly displayed.
3. The principal producer or employee involved in the production of food items on sale must be at the stand and only own products must be sold.
4. Only products approved by the management committee may be sold.
5. All Food items must be clearly labelled and priced.
6. Gas appliances are not permitted within the the hall.
7. Gas appliances may be used outside of the hall, only with prior approval from the Hall manager.
8. Stands must be neat and tidy, and producers are responsible for clearing litter around their stall at the end of the market.
8. This is a no smoking market; therefore, any producers wishing to smoke during a market must do so at the rear of the hall.
10. Complaints must be made to the chairman of Sparkwell Parish hall or any of its management committee members.
11. The decision of the management committee will be final and furthermore the committee reserve the right to change the rules without prior notice.
12. Sparkwell Parish Hall reserves the right to photograph and/or video any space, person or stall, in relation to the Christmas …. and to use any such photographs or video footage for promoting the Hall and future Christmas ….s.